Best Programming Language for AI
A certain skill set and an appropriate tech stack are required for AI software development. Learn about the best programming languages for artificial intelligence development right now.
Introduction to R and RStudio
R is a programming language designed for data analysis and plotting. Learn the basic data types in R and the essentials of using RStudio.
How to Import Data and Export Results in R
Big data analysis is huge these days. Learn how to extract data from text files, CSV files and databases, and send that data to a web server.
Shiny and R: How to Add Themes and Customize Error Messages
Michael Grogan explains how to link the UI and server side in a Shiny app, customize Shiny themes, and implement error messages to guide end users.
Shiny, R and HTML: Merging Data Science and Web Development
Michael Grogan looks at the commands used to build an application in Shiny — both on the UI (user interface) side and the server side.