Email Marketing
Email is a powerful marketing tool, but getting it right is an art. Learn practical tips for sending emails that foster customer loyalty.
Learn about nine AI-powered marketing automation tools for optimizing content, increasing sales, analyzing data, and promoting your business.
Are you using emails for marketing? Learn about email marketing automation options, their benefits, how to set them up, and how and use them.
Adrian Try takes you through how to launch and validate your new business idea or project quickly, even if you're not a coder.
John Stevens talks about how Amazon is breaking records when it comes to conversions, and what you can do about your own UX to mirror their success.
Grab our free printable Mailchimp cheat sheet so that you can refer to common actions with ease.
Our brains are amazing instruments – but they're not perfect. Tomas shows you how to use cognitive biases to help your design, rather than undermining it.
Parth Misra explains how to increase your cold email outreach response rate, while staying clear of spammy tactics.
Anja Skrba looks at seven marketing automation tools for entrepreneurs on a budget.
According to the Direct Marketing Association, you can expect an ROI of $38 for every $1 you spend on email marketing. Small tweaks can be big money.
Email marketing has been exploding in popularity. You might have heard of the likes of MailChimp and Emma advertising the use of their services to send a whole bunch of messages for prospects and profit.
Irene Fatyanova walks readers through the complete checklist for getting your first email campaign out the door.
Got freelance problems? So did Josh. Read about he ultimately overcame his freelancer struggles to get his article published.
In this post, we break down the details of 5 email newsletter examples that are super successful. Use them for your business.
In this guide, you'll learn about the key features and benefits of the top 5 email tracking tools.
Here's our list of the 30 best online resources to learn digital marketing. Ready, set, learn!
Here's my top 18 finds (blog posts and tools) this past week. I hope they help you as much as they've helped me.
Read How to Get Good Clients by Utilizing Influencers and learn with SitePoint. Our web development and design tutorials, courses, and books will teach you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more.
Email is a total time suck. Hack your productivity by optimizing your Gmail inboxes with these 9 Gmail tips and tricks.
Have you wondered how to make your blog post go viral? You're in luck because I just packed this blog post with the best content distribution tactics today.
In this post, you will learn how I quickly and affordably built an email list creating a simple quiz and promoting it via a Facebook Ad campaign.
This is the only guide you need to collecting the best client testimonials. We tell you everything you need to know about conducting client exit interviews.
We spend so much time buried in emails that SitePoint decided to compile a list of the 16 best email tools. The result is the ultimate email toolkit.
When Richa Jain started freelancing, she became overwhelmed. Then Richa found Streak. Get ready to say goodbye to freelancer stress!
Eric Siu points beginning-intermediate internet marketers in the right direction to becoming a full-stack marketer.
SitePoint's marketing manager Josh Mackow talks through our hugely successful Christmas campaign supporting the Penguin Foundation
As part of our Christmas giveaway series, Agbonghama Collins took email marketing service Sendy for a spin — and we have five more licenses to give away.
There are many myths surrounding best practices in email marketing. Charles exposes a few of these and explains that what works for you is most important.
Email newsletters are a powerful medium but require a different set of skills. Massimo gives you some useful pointers to get started.
Email design is hard, particularly when you have to target different devices. Jacco takes a look at Campaign Monitor's intuitive new tool: Canvas.