jQuery Profile Picture Grabber Plugin

Sam Deering

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What is it?

jQuery Profile Picture Grabber Plugin can grab your profile picture from your favourite social networks which can be a huge time saver alternative to uploading a picture when setting a profile picture for a web application or registering on a website.

1. Simply select your network.
choose profile pic

2. Enter any network details.
choose profile pic2

3. Your profile picture will updated automatically.
choose profile pic3

You can customise the links here is an example of adding icons instead of text.
choose profile pic4


Put the some codeinto your HTML HEAD tag. Configure your options and you away. Easy. You can customise the text you see on the links, even add icons for the networks.


<script src="jqProfPicGrab.js"></script>
          <script type="javascript">
              //initialise plugin with no options
              W.myProfPicGrab = new jqProfPicGrab();


<div id="profile-container">
            <img class="profile-pic" src="img/profile-default.jpg" />

Configure specific networks with defaults

<script src="jqProfPicGrab.js"></script>
          <script type="javascript">
                  //initialise plugin with specific networks and defaults
                  W.myProfPicGrab = new jqProfPicGrab({
                      container: '#demo2',
                      showUrl: true,
                              'show': true,
                              'text': 'Use Gravatar',
                              'default': 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/03490f81e70d7e43a5769a0a886e0314'
                              'show': true,
                              'text': 'Use Facebook',
                              'default': 'http://graph.facebook.com/samuelleedeering/picture?type=large'
                              'show': true,
                              'text': 'Use Twitter',
                              'default': 'http://api.twitter.com/1/users/profile_image?screen_name=samdeering&size=original'
                              'show': true,
                              'text': 'Use Google Plus',
                              'default': 'https://plus.google.com/s2/photos/profile/samdeering'
                              'show': true,
                              'text': 'My Blog Logo',
                              'default': 'http://jquery4u.com/images/logo.png'
                              'show': true,
                              'text': 'Use Default',
                              'default': ''