Learning Angular: Everything You Need to Get Started
Whether it’s AngularJS 1.X – a framework, or Angular – a platform, Google’s Angular project has taken over the web. Here’s a collection of articles, projects and courses that’ll help you get to grips with the powerful front-end tool.
But if you’re starting from scratch, and you’d like to go from zero to expert fast, a course recommendation. For expert-led online Angular training courses you can’t go past Ultimate Angular by Todd Motto. Try his courses here, and use the code SITEPOINT to get 25% off and to help support SitePoint.
Introductions and Comparisons
- Angular version naming got a little complicated this year, here are the official naming conventions for specific versions of the platform [angularjs], which we’ve tried to follow here and elsewhere on the site.
- How to decide between React and Angular [sitepoint].
- How to create a single-page app with AngularJS and the WordPress REST API [sitepoint].
- A guide to managing state in Angular apps with ngrx/store [sitepoint].
- Managing state in Angular apps [blog.nrwl].
- Persisting state in AngularJS [sitepoint].
- Getting intimate with Angular and TypeScript [x-team].
- How to build maintainable Angular apps [medium/curated-by-versett].
- How to develop apps with Angular mockbackend [sitepoint].
- A community-drive collection of best practices and style guidelines for AngularJS [github/mgechev].
- A guide to testing your services with Angular [corinnekrych.blogspot].
- How to test your Angular component [corinnekrych.blogspot].
- Angular authentication with JSON [angularjs.blogspot].
- And easy Angular authentication with Auth0 [sitepoint].
Slightly More Advanced
- Productivity tips for Angular and WebStorm [sitepoint].
- Developing an app with Angular 2+ and the Angular CLI [sitepoint].
- An anatomy of a large Angular application [medium].
- Creating Progressive Web Apps with Angular [medium].
- Improving Angular performance with one line of code [blog.upstate].
- Building Angular apps at scale [medium].
- Track device geolocation in NativeScript Angular mobile applications [thepolyglotdeveloper].
- Deploy your own REST API using mLab and Heroku [sitepoint].
If cobbling together your own learning path via articles isn’t for you, or you’d like to make sure you’re across all the concepts and techniques, these are the structured Angular courses we recommend.
- Ultimate Angular [ultimateangular] is the gold standard in Angular education, from Angular tutor extraordinaire Todd Motto. Use coupon code ‘SITEPOINT’ at checkout to get 25% off and help support SitePoint.
You’ve got the basics – and perhaps even a little bit more. Here are some projects to take on to put that knowledge into practice.
First things first: a very popular and well-regarded series of articles on SitePoint, covering how to write a todo app in Angular 2:
- Part 0 — The Ultimate Angular CLI Reference Guide
- Part 1 — Getting our first version of the Todo application up and running
- Part 2 — Creating separate components to display a list of todo’s and a single todo
- Part 3 — Update the Todo service to communicate with a REST API
- Part 4 — Use Angular router to resolve data.
- Then, a practical guide to planning a MEAN stack app [sitepoint].
- Building a Twitter clone with Angular (part 1) [x-team].
- Building a Tesla battery range calculator with Angular 2 and reactive forms [toddmotto].
- How to build a Chrome extension in Angular 2 [sitepoint].
- How to create an Angular app and style it with Kendo UI [developer.telerik].
- Building a chart component with Angular 2 and FusionCharts [sitepoint].