APIs can easily become overcomplicated and slow. Learn how to develop a pipeline that's easy to expand later without obscuring the main flow.
Younes present Postman - the API development tool of choice - in comprehensive detail. There's never been a better way to improve your API dev workflow!
Yazid adds real-time notifications to a simple blog CMS built on Laravel using only Laravel Echo and Pusher. Follow users and get notified when they post!
Let's build a Laravel powered lyrics website and give it the superpower of rapid fuzzy searching with Algolia and Laravel Scout!
In part 2 of this popular series, we convert a voice-operated Laravel weather forecast app into an SMS-powered one! Join us as we expand PHP's horizons!
Let's design a Laravel application and integrate it with Twilio so users can make phone calls to the number and get weather forecasts - no data required!
Joel walks us through the complex process of auto-trading cryptocurrency and turning profits over night with Laravel, APIs, Bitcoin, and various exchanges!
In this comprehensive and advanced tutorial, Chris shows us how to scan fingerprints with Async PHP and React Native. The future is here!
Claudio re-introduces you to Symfony Console - the command-line solution for all your PHP needs away from the browser. Let's build some terminal apps!
Ever wanted to add user following and real-time notifications to your Laravel apps? Now you can - easily: with Stream. Let's see how to bootstrap it!
Implementing social logins is making your head explode? Oauth to complex? No more! With Socialite, it's done in 30 minutes, for ANY social service.
Younes sets up a CI pipeline on SemaphoreCI and makes sure it invokes Deployer or Laravel Envoy to deploy the app after a successful commit / test.
Younes Rafie shows us how to add 2FA to a Laravel app - make sure your users can log in securely by adding an SMS layer!
Younes looks at Fractal - a PHP League package for formatting and transforming JSON, YAML, and other data formats to something consistent. APIs rejoice!
Claudio explores the Reddit API - from searching to authenticating with Oauth and downloading user data. Come tame this powerful beast!
Chris adds some unexpected functionality to PHP, and all without custom extensions or recompiling. Let's unlock the power of macros and preprocessors!
Let's take a look at Peridot - a testing suite with a different approach. Can we BDD test our units? Should we?
Wern builds a fully custom calendar application using the Google Calendar API and the Laravel framework - check it out!
Chris Vundi focuses on fine tuning our online Laravel and Braintree courses website by tweaking the subscription plans and securing the app
Let's build a subscription based courses-site with Laravel and Braintree! Come and learn how to start selling subscriptions with ease!
Chris hacks together a live-notification LED device with Arduino and PHP, notifying you of new Gmails or Tweets, and more!
Alex Bilbie looks at Jenkins' newest feature: pipelines. With it, we configure Laravel's auto-testing procedure, and make sure our builds stay alive!
Thomas Punt goes through the four stages of PHP execution - from lexing to compilation and optimization. Here's what you make happen, daily!
Memi Allamani takes you through a crash course of implementing a merged Google+ / Facebook login with Oauth.io
Patrick looks at an example use of GDELT - the world's database of events - and uses it to analyze some world trends with PHP and SQL. Check it out!
Viraj demonstrates the full process of writing custom code for deploying different commits of your app to an SFTP server using Git and PhpSecLib
Younes presents Eloquent Observers - a method of subscribing to changed on models and having those models notify all subscribers of changes. Check it out!
Wern Ancheta develops a product search API for Amazon products with Amazon Products Advertisement API
Younes extends OctoberCMS by building a soft-delete plugin, allowing you to delete posts by marking them as trashed, while still keeping them in the DB!
Wern shows us how to use Laravel and Guzzle to build our own full Dropbox client with the Dropbox API!