Learn how to architect, implement and maintain a minimalist setup for team-based Notion setups. We walk you through setting up primary tables and show you how to best leverage them using Notion's unique superpowers.
Learn the basics of MongoDB, the Mongo shell, popular drivers, common database operations and CRUD actions within the Mongo shell.
Claudio Ribeiro shows how you can use explain and indexes to spot and remedy possible performance issues with your database before they strike.
Iain Poulson provides a helpful guide to database query optimization, showing how to track down slow database queries and fix them up.
Here's a compendium of practical MySQL optimization tricks - from bottlenecks to configuration and indexes. Leave your ORM behind and get your hands dirty!
Tobias introduces us to the Neo4j bundle for Symfony. Dive into the mysterious (and mysteriously efficient) world that is graph databases with this tool!
Christopher presents Eloquent's polymorphic relationships in a human-friendly way - come learn what they're all about and master this awesome ORM!
Scott explains how we can have a secure, encrypted, and hack-proof database, but still use normal SELECT and search queries on it. Interesting stuff!
Developing WordPress themes and plugins on a local server can be problematic if it doesn't match your live system. Craig discusses synchronization options.
In this "next level Laravel" post, Younes explains an interesting approach to designing relationships with Eloquent: polymorphic relations.
Patrick looks at an example use of GDELT - the world's database of events - and uses it to analyze some world trends with PHP and SQL. Check it out!
Younes presents Eloquent Observers - a method of subscribing to changed on models and having those models notify all subscribers of changes. Check it out!
Kirill demonstrates a practical example of optimizing a website's MySQL queries - check it out, it might come in handy in your optimization gigs!
Younes extends OctoberCMS by building a soft-delete plugin, allowing you to delete posts by marking them as trashed, while still keeping them in the DB!
Claudio takes a look at Atlas - a new type of ORM that doesn't oversell. If you're dying for a breath of fresh ORM air, check it out!
Wern Ancheta shows you how to build a Pokemon spawn location recorder app with CouchDB and the Slim Framework, wrapping it up in good security practices!
Wern Ancheta takes us through a practical crash course into using CouchDB - CRUD, configuration, cooperation with PHP, and more!
Andrew explains how to perform database-related tests in a Symfony app much faster - with a disposable in-memory SQLite database, avoiding any bulky mocks
Francesco introduces Laravel Doctrine, and builds a sample app with it - come learn about this powerful ORM + Framework mix!
Bruno demonstrates the use of Phinx, a framework-agnostic database migration package helping you write database-independent and versionable database changes
Wern creates a movie recommendation app with PredictionIO - a free machine learning engine
Danny explains migrations in Drupal 8 and demonstrates them on a simple example, paving the way for more complex operations
Wern Ancheta builds a Hacker News reader with a local cache from nothing with the Lumen microframework!
Bruno goes through the entire process of contributing to an open source project - from contact with the author to sending PRs. Come see how it works!
Zack Wallace covers three SQL join approaches which can aid you in filtering your data. If you're an SQL newbie, this post will teach you valuable things!
MySQL 5.7 introduced some awkward changes for older codebases and tends to break apps. Here's how to temporarily (or permanently) lower the strictness level
Most PHP developers are used to using cURL to fetch data from a server However, there’s a better alternative: the Guzzle HTTP client.
Andrew Cairns explains the Aggregate pattern and implements it on top of Laravel's Eloquent. Feeling the pro thirst? Give this advanced tutorial a go!
In the continuing SQL vs NoSQL debate, Craig discusses example project scenarios to determine which type of database offers the most benefit.
Here's a look at Yahoo's MySQL performance analyzer - we go through its options, from graphs to alerts. It's getting ever easier to speed up your DBs!