Image optimization affects site performance, and here we cover some standard approaches to image optimization and explore advanced image processing options.
What's a CDN? How do Content Delivery Networks work anyway, and what's so special about them? Which one should you choose? Come find out!
Here's a compendium of practical MySQL optimization tricks - from bottlenecks to configuration and indexes. Leave your ORM behind and get your hands dirty!
Chris uses ReactJS, PHP, and Websockets to demonstrate how we can procedurally generate game terrain for our rip-off of Stardew Valley!
Chris bootstraps a basic Stardew-Valley-like game in this game development with PHP post, using an async server, preprocessors, and ReactJS!
Heard of bitwise operators? Let's explore their practical application in storing and checking for user permissions, and whether this makes sense!
Yazid adds real-time notifications to a simple blog CMS built on Laravel using only Laravel Echo and Pusher. Follow users and get notified when they post!
Christian shows you how to deliver unexpected and large amounts of data (zip bombs) to people who might be attempting to access or crawl your server.
Let's build a Laravel powered lyrics website and give it the superpower of rapid fuzzy searching with Algolia and Laravel Scout!
Marcello Duarte explains how we can use functional programming to build a JSON parser from scratch in PHP! Join us in exploring advanced PHP!
Zoran uses Siege to benchmark and load-test a Symfony app, killing it in the process. He then uses cache to revive it and make it work under pressure!
Danny explains why he moved from Laravel to a Go version of his app and explains which advantages a Golang rewrite of his web app brought him.
In this in-depth tutorial, we'll look at all the various cloud hosting providers for PHP, and deploy the same app on ALL of them. It's really not hard!
Marcello Duarte of Inviqa shares some functional programming insight with us by teaching us how to build Parser combinations with Phunkie! Hardcore!
Ever wanted to add user following and real-time notifications to your Laravel apps? Now you can - easily: with Stream. Let's see how to bootstrap it!
Thomas shows us the difference between Pthreads 2 and 3 and explains the upgrade procedure - the changes are big and backwards-incompatible, but worth it.
Thomas explains the most recent version of pthreads targeting PHP 7+ and demonstrates all the new features it brought along. Get started with parallelism!
Chris goes through the whole process of building a PHP async library for converting HTML to PDF - magical stuff!
Thomas Punt goes through the four stages of PHP execution - from lexing to compilation and optimization. Here's what you make happen, daily!
Kirill demonstrates a practical example of optimizing a website's MySQL queries - check it out, it might come in handy in your optimization gigs!
What are proxies? How can we use them? And what kind of advanced use cases can we think of? Let's perform some RESTful remote miracles with ProxyManager!
A new tool for static analysis of PHP code has shown up: PHPSA - PHP Smart Analyzer. Tune in and check out what it can do!
Phalcon is back - and in style! It can now run on PHP 7, and is written completely in Zephir. Easy extension development AND perfect performance!
A couple of helper methods for quickly and effectively passing larger numbers of variables to views from your controllers
Wern Ancheta takes us through a practical crash course into using CouchDB - CRUD, configuration, cooperation with PHP, and more!
Super-caching, optimization, customization, comments, and much more you simply MUST do for your Grav installation
Is it possible to have static type hints in PHP 5 without PHP 7 or HHVM? Yes - with the Augmented Types extension from Box!
This sourcehunt features a PHP-7 only alternative to Laravel, input validation, HPKP, strict PHP object signatures, and more.
In this tutorial, we go through some effective performance hacks for developing Symfony apps on Vagrant virtual machines
Scott revisits Appserver and benchmarks it against Symfony to dispel the rumors of bas performance. Does he succeed? Tune in to find out!