Learn about Insphpect, a tool that scans your PHP code for object-oriented programming techniques that hinder code reusability and flexibility.
Let's take a fresh look at PHPUnit - the de-facto TDD tool for PHP. We'll explain TDD on an example, implement code coverage, and more!
Chris writes test watchers: auto-compiling PHP from Preprocess files, and auto-testing after every file-change. No need to manually run PHPUnit ever again!
Bert introduces us to the concept of poka yoke - hyper defensive programming by forcing some checks and safeguards that make our code robust and sturdy.
Chris explains what snapshot testing is on some ReactJS code, before applying it to PHP and giving you something to think about when you close this tab!
In this sourcehunt, we present PHP machine learning, a CRM that helps you track personal relationships, a wrapper to make Guzzle usable again, and more!
Marcello Duarte explains how we can use functional programming to build a JSON parser from scratch in PHP! Join us in exploring advanced PHP!
Zoran uses Siege to benchmark and load-test a Symfony app, killing it in the process. He then uses cache to revive it and make it work under pressure!
We focus on Behat now to further extend Sylius in true TDD fashion. We write stories, we test against them, and then we develop features to make them pass!
Deji extends the core of Sylius by adding some back end features via true TDD: writing PhpSpec tests first, seeing that they fail, and then making them pass
This sourcehunt, we've gained the magical ability to make our own game servers, knowledgebases, and social networks. Join us in contributing!
Younes sets up a CI pipeline on SemaphoreCI and makes sure it invokes Deployer or Laravel Envoy to deploy the app after a successful commit / test.
We look at Sylius - a fully tested and super-robuts e-commerce platform/framework, and use it to learn some proper Test Driven Development!
Viraj demonstrates Laravel Dusk - a browser testing tool designed for testing your apps in full - including UI and JavaScript!
Let's take a look at Peridot - a testing suite with a different approach. Can we BDD test our units? Should we?
Alex Bilbie looks at Jenkins' newest feature: pipelines. With it, we configure Laravel's auto-testing procedure, and make sure our builds stay alive!
Ahmed Khan gives us a brief overview of the new exception and error classes in PHP 7, and how they can impact your future, current, and past code!
Matthew Setter takes an introductory look at atoum - an alternative to PHPUnit with an interesting twist
Claudio introduces us to a new PHPCS standard - PhpCompatibility. This standard checks your code for compatibility with past and present versions of PHP!
A new tool for static analysis of PHP code has shown up: PHPSA - PHP Smart Analyzer. Tune in and check out what it can do!
Here's a quick way to get rid of filesystem troubles (cleanup anyone?) when practicing TDD - virtual file systems!
We use tests to test our code. But... how do we test our tests? Let's take a look at Humbug: a mutation testing framework!
Andrew explains how to perform database-related tests in a Symfony app much faster - with a disposable in-memory SQLite database, avoiding any bulky mocks
Chris Pitt was building a testing suite which compares screenshots of websites before/after. For that, he needed image diffing. See how he did it!
Did you miss the PHPUnit 5 train? Hop on board and find out what's new!
Chris Pitt starts developing a new PHP package with TDD practices in mind - using PhpUnit and Mockery all the way. Check it out!
Thomas dives back into contributing to PHP's core - after covering documentation fixes last time, this time he fixes an actual bug in PHP. Learn how!
Bruno goes through the entire process of contributing to an open source project - from contact with the author to sending PRs. Come see how it works!
M. Lavaryen explains the Blackfire profiler in depth and demonstrates its use on a simple script, laying the groundwork for further exploration on your end!
Ever wondered how to quickly add that "Xmas mode" or holiday promotion to your site? Feature toggling to the rescue! Check out Qandidate's Toggle!