Many application languages are available nowadays. The strategy you choose may rely on a number of factors. So let's have a look at the most popular mobile programming languages for iOS and Android devices.
App development needs great design but there is a disconnect between design and code. Now Paintcode turns Sketch into an iOS app UI development tool.
Chris Ward looks at the Swift Package Manager, an early-days dependency management utility for Swift.
Chris Ward loves Swift, and in this article looks at it's past, present and future to see what's possible and what's coming.
Patrick Haralabidis takes a deep initial dive into coding for Apple's new TVOS SDK and looks forward to coding for the big screen.
Understanding how to implement the MVC framework, will allow us to construct an app that follows Apple's guidelines with a proven framework.
In this short video, we'll see how use Singleton Patterns, a powerful construct that lets you utilize classes without creating new instances each time.
We're going to pick up some great tips on getting very efficient with Xcode. This includes keyboard shortcuts, which can greatly improve your productivity.
In this video we'll look how classes and instances of classes are made in Swift.
In this video I'll show you how to populate a table with data.
Jordan Morgan discusses his favourite new features for developers coming in iOS9.
In this video I'll demonstrate how to create a navigation based app.
In this video I show you how to create functions in Swift.
Brett Romero talks us through the steps of taking an exisiting iOS application and using by WatchKit, extending it to work on an Apple Watch.
In this video I've demonstrated how to Work with while and for loops with Swift.
Wrap your head around if, else, else if and switch statements as I tackle conditional flows in this short video.
Brett Romero introduces current iOS developers to how to develop for Apple's WatchKit.
In this short video, I'll show you how to use arrays and dictionaries in Swift.