Shahed's articles
Learn about Medusa, an open-source, developer-focused Shopify alternative that can be customized and scaled to suit your needs.
Learn about loops in JavaScript: their syntax, how they work, when to use them, when not to use them, and what you can use instead.
Magento 2 translation is important for reaching a global audience. Learn the steps involved in adding languages to your online store.
Keyboard shortcuts help you work faster. Learn some of the most useful Visual Studio Code shortcuts for Windows, Linux and macOS.
Learn how to set up the MediaStream API on your apps to allow users to record audio tracks, listen to them, and upload them to your site.
Need to get up to speed with Bootstrap 5? Upgrading from an older version? Learn what's new in Bootstrap 5, how to upgrade, and what's gone.
You've built a website, but how well does it perform for your end users? Learn how to use Lighthouse to get crucial answers to this question.
React and Tailwind CSS: a beautiful relationship! Learn how Tailwind frees you from writing CSS so you can focus on your React components.
Need to create a Firefox add-on? It's easy! Learn how to create your first add-on, test it, share it, and even adapt it for Chrome.